Sólveig Huld Jónsdóttir

Cand. Med. Vet
+354 7908011
Sólveig Huld Jónsdóttir

I have a BSc in Biology from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) with focus on physiology, cell- and molecular biology. And a DVM veterinary degree from Universidad Cerdenal Herrera-CEU in Valencia, Spain.

In worked as an official veterinarian at Mast in North-East region before starting at Blár akur in the spring of 2022. My expertice lies within fish health and fish welfare and I work closely with the farmers on any operations that can impact fish health.

Main projects include regular and acute health visits at sea sites or landbased facilities, smolt output controls, sea lice control and coordination of delicing operations, biosecurity control and inspections as well as courses and training of staff when needed.